To adjust the color and timezone of the wordclock I created a small web application.
You can find the source code on github.
The WordClock tells the time in simple words
To adjust the color and timezone of the wordclock I created a small web application.
You can find the source code on github.
In the meantime some of my family members saw my wordclock and liked it so I build some more. I faced some problems while building a white wordclock because the white acrylic is not as opaque as black acrylic. To fix this I made a polypropylen plate with the same letters like the frontplate cutted sitting between the frontplate and the diffuse paper:
Recently I received the Particle Photon and developed a WordClock with the help of a WS2812B LED Strip.
The LEDs are cutted and arranged in a way described in the article. The front plate and the inner grid are laser cutted by and inserted in a 23x23cm RIBBA Frame of Ikea. Between the front plate and the inner grid is a white piece of paper to diffuse the light of the LEDs. The LEDs are glued to a Hartschaumplatte and connected to the Particle Photon. For adaptive lightning there is a LDR resistor attached.
The source code and the laser cutting template is available on Github.